Monday, August 09, 2004

  • still clothed in my pink apple nitegown.
  • eating my melted 'frozen' ichigo bliss.
  • haven wash up.*paiseh argh..*
  • feeling irritated by the morning phone call.
  • killing antS.

listening to:

  • 'blessed' cd... bringing all those memories back!

argh..... hate being waken up by the phone calls... PLEASE don call me b4 1pm... thnx.. quite irritating leh... hardly had enough sleep.. argh... nvm lah.. forget it..

Happy 39th Birthday SINGAPORE!!!

ay... i look like les???????????????????? manzzzzz....,. sq, ray,vic came to visit me on sat. so was chatting w vic via msn n he told me sq said i look like les... kaozzz... p.o.s man... heehee... regan oso ask me b4... do i??? do i??? do i??????????????????????????????? whahaha... wah... les v pretty wan wat.. hyiak hyiak hyiak.. but damn disgusting lor... cant imagine myself in the arms of another person of the same gender... it's gonna make me puke BIG TIME!!!

today's plan: finish the book i'm currently reading... simply 'Jazz'.... whoo~~~ i love jazz..


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