Thursday, September 02, 2004

i'm so fark tup swaii lor...

7.10-wait at cahier
8.30-reach hme..

kaozzzzzz.... y so swuaiiiii????? somemore tt uncle drove mi ard exploring cck when i told him i need to reach hme by 8.. cant blame him.. it's his 3rd day working as a cabbie..

was so pek chek w everything n the tot of missing sly sing... i cried.. whahahahaahahaha... in the cab.. until tt uncle v paiseh..
cab fare amounting up to $25.. heng he onlie charge 20.. if nt i wana heck him liao..

once i reach hme.. bro told mi,"jus finish." waseh.. heartbreak n i started crying n whining v v v v v v v loudly like nobody's business.. until dad had to crack some stupid jokes.. mom came out of her room to c wat happen.. everybody gotta console mi... damn disappointed leh... spoilt brat sia..

singaporean sux!!! dono how to vote...*though the top 3 r good* next week's top 3 r 'ikan bilis' compared to the losers of this rnd lor... sai lah

maybe i shldn't go for the wrhse sale... bought near to 300 bucks n i'm super broke.. how???? 50 to last til end of this mth.. haven pay hp bill somemore.... dead lah mi.

bought 2 pairs of jeans for myself.. both w25.. wah liew ay... i'm a fatty bom bom lor.. remind mi to 'jian fei'.. spent at least 15 min trying to button my type 1.. but i failed.. whahaha

bought 512,901,501 for the guys.. bought bags for my mom so she can use for her taiwan trip.. somemore i sponsor her exenses leh..*double broke* den bought a big 'base' series bag.. sg onlie got 1 piece.. whahahaha.... too bad.. it's taken by mi!!! cos it's a sample piece.. got a tee.. a belt..

whahahahahaha.... does it mean sly can start performing again????


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