Wednesday, March 15, 2006

my pathetic week
spent my weekends in kukup. had loads of seafood for a mere 31 bucks. cheap thrill.. for a kelong house, air-con, 3 bed rooms, big kitchen, 3 meals with sumptuos seafood n boat rides....

acc jx for a gig. n i ran out cos i freaked out by those pple. dark eyeliners seemed to connect every1 but me. argh~ sry~

anyway.. this stupid taxi uncle just freaks me out. i cired. damn. n it's his damn fault.. i said wld circle, nt woodlands centre... n he was drivinf towards admiralty mrt... damn. what n irony.

n the fat weird uncle who kept biting his nails. hardly any left though. all the chomping n spittin of nails.... damn. just beside me. GOD!

did a showroom presentation to james from lorenzo. damn.. din do too well i guess.. hahahaha.. took me just a day to complete. argh~ smart me.

gg for my dental appointment. argh~

fri... gg for jason mraz concert. whooooohooooo...~


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