Thursday, May 25, 2006

yeah~ i enjoyed my trip, esp when it's w some1 i love...

brought back a fatigue body, 2 days of fever, 5 ulcers n loads of wonderful memories... it was a free n easy trip from 18th-22nd of may 2006.

+ the thai girls r soooooo beautiful.... like u c 1 every 50m... n in singapore it's like u only c 1 in 2 days... tt pathetic. anyway... the guys r cute tooo... me n jx simply enoyed looking at the chiobu n yandaos.. hahahahaha.... the good looking ones all looked like models.

+ love thai creativity. U shld go! u get alot of inspirations there. maybe i shld consider my mum's advice of studying there.

+ nv drink their water.... always have mineral water w u... n all thier food taste like their river.. so be prepared.

+ the things there ain't cheap at all.. those cheap wan r those pretty outdated stuffs... most is as pricey as sg's goods... or more ex... we swear by tt.

*i cried 3 times during my trip there.

i brought sadako w me.....
we reached at night... super shagged n ready for bed.. hahahaha!!!!!

the room is clean n we love the hotel... satisfied.

v nicely taken...
10 yrs ago.. i took a pic with my bro at this v same spot...

my very own tomb raider shot... v funny huh~ PUI u!

thailand isn't just about shopping dude..
the building is just magnificient.... u just gotta c it for urself...

we blessed ourselves with the lotus, dipped in water before enetring the monetsry hall tt kept the emerald buddha.. no photography. wished i cld share the beautiful decor w u...

actually it was the best part of the WAT..

ok... quirky smile i noe... but this ang moh kept giving mi this funny smile.. hahahaha... *paiseh*

haiz.. i guess tt ang moh must have taken a fancy of me.. hmmmmm~ hahahaha...

hee.. this guard is really funny... the setting up of the tripod took jx quite some time... after we finally had our 1 pic taken, he gave us a super wide grin. nice~ almost forgotten he's real, so i kinda leaned on him a lil'... *paiseh* maybe he was laughing at mi...
busy busy busy busy busy streets.... BUSY!
shark's fin...... hoooohoooooo
syrup popsicle
the best tom yum with coconut milk... ever!!!!!

*cried here like hell becos i din have water to drink. hahahahahaha.... some cafe was closing, n those not closed, i refused cos i tot it was stupid to just get a bottle of water. hahahahaha.. stupid me... cry like hell can. siao~ my baby got so mad w me.


this is mbk... adore their taxis which comes in pink, purple, orange, blue, green, bronze, yellow, black, white.............. so many!

thanks to our sleepy jx, we missed having breakfast in our hotel. which is disastrous cos roadside food is nonononono to me. so we settled our breakfast @ this hongkong styled restaurant @ MBK.. eating bird's nest beside nam sing..... *laughs*

TRUE (find this in siam paragon)

spot the v angry me... we wasted 1 whole afternoon @ siam literally in no mood to c anything but being collisive w each other.... so many things to c n buy there ok... din even get to try th coffee... bad mood!

but the desgin is good. v modern designer's taste. everything they use is new.. u gotta b there to experience tt.

btw.. i heard the sweeter n less staccatto version of 'fly me to the moon' i like!!!!...

* Cried when we reached the hotel room... hahahaha... v bad quarrel!!


this famous restaurant is v hard to find... we almost tot we were lost... even jx the map expert got abit confuse at first. it's somewhere near saladaeng???(forgot the place's name).

deep deep in the alley... deserted area but we were surprised to c so many people in the restaurants. it'll b better if it's ur bday.. the crew will all present a cake with a lited candle, gather ard ur table n sing u a bday song. so totful.

a posh restaurant with good ambience n cheap food. go for restaurant dining, the food there is really cheap (considering restaurent prices... a plate of dish is about $5-20.. or more... but it's worth it) so dun worry about burning a hole in ur pocket.
delicious delicious food! the people there r really nice too.

look at my boy... wearing bibs is a must for kids...
it's the 2nd nite we'd been there... so the ferris wheel is our must. hahaha...

my eyes got itchy, bad allergy to the nose.... damn.. cldn't really enjoy the beautiful night view. plus it was drizzling...
the big suan lum.... my love.

singapore shld have something like this. it's a big food area with loads of foodstalls, big stage n big tv screen.

if u're so hygiene conscious like me, i'll recommend restaurants instead. all their roadside stall's food smells n taste like the chao phrya river. the river everybody dives into, fashes their feet, bathe, do their daily business, brushes their teeth, wash their laundry n their veggies in. cool.

n nt forgetting to mention tonnes of come n go houseflies... enuff to make u puke.

hey.. the pizza is really good... crispy, thin but with loads of goodies. yummy banana n pineapple..

back in our hotel............ more disasters to come!


our first day taking train. happy.. dono y... nostalgia? the old way of ticketing. hahaha...
forget about the smile.. it always looked 'plastic'.. thanks jonlee for this description which fitted most perfectly.
smile like the thai to the close up.

on the streets of chatuchak... one min it was hot like hell... the other it was raining cats n dogs... sickening weather...

btw... may is a bad time to visit... sept wld b good...
good graphic, good interior everywhere... design in all aspects r sooo closely related.

it's down this alley where u see a korean shopping centre... nt tt hard to find except u need to know the map well. cos it's hidden deep in the alley like anna's cafe.

but cabbages n condoms is a v famous restaurants, so u gotta go try. food is so-so to mi, but i think jx like their banana leaf wrapped chicken n bean sprouts w tofu.

condoms r everywhere from the mannequines to the lamps....
they even have a condom vending machine. hahaha.. 10 baht only if i din recall wrongly. n it came out with a green box with i tink 1 condom in it... funny looking..
ya.. n i was wondering how they type thai into computer.. two spastic kids... hahaha~ alright... this is where we gt our free internet access.. neat!


try to visit this place if u have time, it belongs to this wealthy american guy whom expanded the thai silk trade. went missing @ the age of 61 in cameron highland n his whereabouts is still unknown til this day.

he's an architect, so he kinda merged the thai w the ang moh style..

it's near MBK..

the tropical interior is v v v v v v v nice! we wanted our house to b like tt..
we went back siam square cos we wasted the previous day not shopping.

the shops at siam sqaure is a must visit place. the interior r lovely, creative... n their clothes r really really nice... but expensive.. somewhat similar to singapore.

n not to forget, the girls there r soooooo chio... boys r soooooo yandao~ what a pleasure..

some japanese crepes.. v popular in japan now.. drizzling.. long queue.. but it's quite worth it cos they come in many flavours, salty n sweet... caramel puddings, cheesecakes... blah blah.. *drools*
iberry's flavours

who says chandeliers gotta be made of crystals?
n they call this love at first sight... i wld highly recommend this cafe restaurant located @ siam sqaure.. they have 1 in siam paragon food area but this 1 is better... more cosier...
i absolutely adores the graphic at the outside entrance.
of cos.. we ran out of cash~
our last stop... suan lum night bazzar again... n we combed the entire market. got our jaded legs some massage treatment.. n a bonus foreign affinity with the aunty n her daughter. she's such a joy.. n though there's a barrier in our language, but we still manage to steal some good time w everybody.

DAY 4 i fell in love w this guy.. n now, thailand.
going home...
* cried cos the pressure was excruciating.. i even heard the blood in my head rushing up... n my ear was like being shot at


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