Tuesday, December 12, 2006

apparently, i dono how many times must i blog today. but this is funny n u shld learn!!!

but Don n i had a lil miscommunication over french and spanish.

did u think i was speaking spanish all the while? u were speaking french all the way until the buenos noches pops out leh.

n the 'oui' n the 'non'

n 'si', which apparently is yes to u in spanish. but to mi is foreign cos in french it wld b 'if'. hmmm

'cogida' which to me is 'got it' in spanish but to u is F***. hahahaha.. n i replied 'oui'. ahem* i tot u gt it tt i was speaking french all these while.

so is 'cogida'- taken or F***?? who can find out? i'll ask the spanish lady from my clz n c how she wld reacte to this supposedly F***.

my bro is calling me a pseudo n i agree!! haha.. belle in progress! whahaha


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