That time frame
An update about my life this week.. I just got back from a 5 days Perth this noon and i tell u what i've becomed. I've became what they would call, a hibernating crew. All i do at a Layover station is I binge, sleep and glue my eyes to the Tv screen. The only time I'm out, is out hunting for food.
I miss jx terribly. Thank Goodness, I've always carry photos of him with me ever since we were tgt n wherever i go... not tgt as in the recent tgt, but always.. since forever tt kinda tgt. So here he is w mi in my organizer.. i'm positive there is somemore in between the pages. Jx follows me whenever i fly out of town.. he's in my passport. haha..

and just about the night before i depart.... it's us the weirdos in the city! n i met fenni whom i did the perth flight with at butt so it was great.

with the Merlion!! u duno how excited i was to have a pic taken here. I've stood in front of the eiffel tower, the st basil's cathedral.. n watsoever u see in my blog or facebook, but nothing beats standing in front of this singapore icon. I m truly proud to be a singaporean... no joke.
An update about my life this week.. I just got back from a 5 days Perth this noon and i tell u what i've becomed. I've became what they would call, a hibernating crew. All i do at a Layover station is I binge, sleep and glue my eyes to the Tv screen. The only time I'm out, is out hunting for food.

and just about the night before i depart.... it's us the weirdos in the city! n i met fenni whom i did the perth flight with at butt so it was great.

with the Merlion!! u duno how excited i was to have a pic taken here. I've stood in front of the eiffel tower, the st basil's cathedral.. n watsoever u see in my blog or facebook, but nothing beats standing in front of this singapore icon. I m truly proud to be a singaporean... no joke.
i m extremely tired from my flight n i havent slept since i dono when... i need sleep. like now... NOW!
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