Sunday, June 20, 2004


hey peeps... don even bother to read... it's so damn long n it's gonna strain ur eyes... anyway... gotta it from shirlee's blog... *jme,germaine... think u guys shld noe her...*
[ MoRe Ab0uT mE ]

1. Name : cherie chua kunshan
2. Birthday: 3 feb 84
3. Location: woodlands
4. Where else have u lived: gan mah heng(kumpong), yishun, hq
5. School/mascot/colors: tp,cross necklace(but gave it to nel le),green
6. Zodiac sign:aquarius
7. Shoe size: 7-8.. right foot is 1 size bigger den the other
8. Height: 1.64
9. Eyes: brown
10. Pets: all die liao
11. Siblings: lil hunky veggie bro
12. Your mom and dads name: ah beng n ah lian.. hahaha..
13. Hair color: half black half gold
14. Hair length: 30cm
15. Ever dyed your hair? yeah
18. Are you good in school? i'm noctorious.. just ask the rest..
19. Nicknames: pineapple head, cher
20. Best Features: all very lan ar..
21. Best Body Parts: armpits lor..
22. Are you shy? yes..
23. Religion? amen!
24. Skin colour? yellow.. tink i got liver problem
25. Always mistaken as? dao ah lian... *shit!*
27. Sex or make love? female... God....
28. Looks or Character? character... hehe...*i'm lying*
29. Best days of your life? yet to come
30. Worst day of your life? i'll come back to this q when i tot of the answer..
31. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nO.
32. What are you most scared of? ka zua.. stalkers.. teeko pek.. fren-less.. insomia.. hives..
33. Think about before you go to bed? some pp or some things tt happened on tt day..
34. If you could be anything without consequences, what would u be? paul..???
35. Do you play sports? yup..
36. Are you a night or a morning person? nite
37. When you grow up? tt will be 30 yrs later..
38. What comes first in your life? Family.. or God... act God is more impt lah..
39. Piercings? total 6. going for the tongue 1ce i get the $$$...
40. Tattoos? s.o.o.n
41. Drinking? once in awhile
42. Smoking? NO... i hate smokers!
43. Clubs? @ least 1ce every week..
44. Restaurant? baker's inn is...?
45. Cafe? coffee bean
46. Car? no
47. Colors? green n pink
48. Best at? ill-discipline n procrastination..??? bad ar me... shopping oso lah...
49. Famous for? cutting tt pineapple hair... 2nd keyboardist lor...
50. Characters? strawberry shortcake..

. Movie: last samurai..
. Song: too many..
. Song Type: jazz.. rnb..
. Band/group: tsk.. too many lah...
. Singer: def fantasia burrino
. Actor: my hubby orlando bloom
. Store: fcuk..??? topshop?? roxy??? dkny??
. Relative: ah mah...
. Sport: netball,bball,
. Vacation spot:maldives..
. Ice cream flavor: bananoffee from hagaan daz
. Drinks: juice,banana milk, milo, choclate blend,vodka lime..
. Fruit: mango, banana, kiwi, passionfruit, honeydew, strawberry,cherry
. Vegetables: cher veg..
. Candy: eu yen sheng american wild ginseng
. Car: mini cooper
. Class: high..
. Holiday: redang!!!! anybody wana go in august?
. Day of the week: wed... hehe.. ladies nite ar..
. HatesColor: none... some colours r ugly by itself.. but it'll prob go better with other colours.. so nope..
. Magazine: cleo
. Name for a girl: cherie jr.
. Name for a boy: orlando jr.
. Sports team: all blacks!!!!
. Month: dec
. Animal: anything except the lama lamb.. hate it!!!
. Quarrels: my R...!!!!
. Saying: ay.. tonite u free???
. Vulgarites: nope.. i hate it..
. Dialects: i'm a hokkien lah....
. Room in your house: my bedroom..
. Concert you have been to: jay,5566,act alot leh... but cant rem..
. Meat: chicken,fish.. other den tt go eat shit..
. Pizza topping: any types of cheese n capsicum
. State: wdl lah.. happy??
. City: ngee ann city lah.. happy???
. Feeling: sian.. the q too long.. v lazy to cont but if i don.. watse my time doing the previous q..
. College: in polytechnic nw..
. Number(s): 3, 82,86,94,97
. Book: just finshed 'the fifth mountain'.. now sourcing for a new 1..
. Cereal: honeystars n banana nut crunch..
. Handphones:lousy 6510... but gonna change le

~in the past have you~
. Had a serious talk? of cos... in fact i just had 1
. Hugged someone? ya... lotsa peeps ay..
. Fought with a friend? yeap.. i'm quite violent
. Cried? ya.
. Kiss? ya. sux..
. Laughed? always..
. Made someone laugh? of cos... i'm the horse in the grp...
. Bought something? wat kinda q..
. Flirted with someone? ya.. if u say no.. u're lying..
. Felt stupid? ya..
. Talked to someone you love? yesh... god??
. Missed someone? yup.. but i wun dwell..

~have you ever~
. Done drugs? NooOOo... except for medicine
. Eaten an entire box of oreos? yesh.. my daddy noes i love it.. n he alwiz buy wan!
. Been dumped? not sure..
. Had someone been unfaithful to you? YESH!!! TT IDIOT!!!! bad experience ar.. no wonder now i hate guys like dono wat..
. Stayed home on saturday night, just because? nobody asked me.. but usually i'm out lah.. whahaha.. no $$ i oso can go out wan leh..
. Been in love? yes.
. Seen the white house? of cos lah.. advance tech.. haven u heard this thing call the internet??
. Seen the eiffel tower? c the q above
. Drank alcohol? yea
. Played monopoly? definitely..
. Kissed someone? yesh!
. Tried a weight loss program? currently..
. Jumped on a trampoline? yes.. it's very very very very fun..
. Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? oh my god.. tt was my full time job..
. Had a bubble bath? yeah babee...
. Been on a plane? yupz
. Been on a boat? yupz
. Been on a train? yesh
. Been in a car accident? nope
. Ridden an elephant? yeah!
. Bought something really expensive? i spent $500 in esprit?? izzit ex?? dono??
. Made a web page? ya..
. Played with legos? hehe.. i had a joke on tt..
. Stayed up all night? of cos..
. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? yesh.. i kept all my hanson posters under my mattress.. it looks like a heap of mountain... den my mum got so fed up she threw away everything..
. broken a bone? yes..
. Called a physchic or sex hotline? nope.. i s*ear
. Plastic surgery? nv
. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? aiyoh... big news meh??? everyday wan loh.. just ask my sec sch mate who's the chatterbox..
. Been afraid of the dark? hehe....
. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? no.. thank god
. Had stitches? nope..
. Dumped someone and regretted it? yes yes yes yes yes... i hope he noes..
. been dumped? ...
. Lied? whahahaha... my expertise..
. Been arrested? not reallie..
. Fallen asleep in class? wat do ya think....?
. Used food for something other than to eat? *ahem*.. hehe..*guilty*
. Met a celebrity? ya..
. Broken the law? i guess so...
. Skipped class? tsk.. this q very bad..wana get mi into trouble..
. Hated yourself? sometimes.. i'm too diao er lang dang oredi.. n toooooooooo spendthrift.. i ahte it reallie..
. Been brokenhearted? ya..
. Broken someone's heart? ya..
. Wanted to kill someone? ya.. but i think most of the time it's the other way round..
. Fallen off a chair? nope..
. Lap danced? aiyoh.. so disgusting.. bar girl leh..

~do you~
. Like to give hugs? hugz onlie ar..?? u crazy fellow!! cherie loves to give big fat juicy whooper hugzz leh..
. Like to walk in the rain? ya.. but after tt i'll regret.. cos super sticky
. Sleep with or without clothes on? both.. depending on mood
. Prefer black or blue pens? black
. Dress up on halloween? haha.. all the time.. i've costumes mah..
. Have a job? nay..
. Like someone? yesh..
. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? siao.. i sleep on my bed lah.. *oh oh* sorry paiseh.. ang mo lan.. yap.. i sleep on my side..
. Want to marry? siao kia!! ya talking to the chairman of the spinster club leh!
. Have a goldfish? no..
. Ever have the falling dream? ya..
. Have stuffed animals? yes.. i hate it.. so girly.. gu niang..
. Do you believe in the horoscopes: nope.. for entertainment yes..
. Do you like your handwriting: mine's too ugly.. i love jess wan
. What superhero would you be: powerpuff girls.. hahha..
. Are you picky? very!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. What makes you mad: being accused of doing something i haven done..
. What do you think of Bush? a no brainer... all time hypocrite nia lah.. nothing much lor..
. Who do you admire? jasmine, all our ps n their wives..
. Do you like cartoons? ya.. hu don..
. What did you do today? eat n eat.. hehe.. talk bot dieting somemore.. kaozz. can 4get bot it liao lah..
. Are your parents annoying? nope.. my parents love mi v v v v much..
. Do you own a miniskirt? ya..
. Do you floss? no.. sometimes i don even brush my teeth..
. Where is the farthest your have travelled? dono
. What kind of shampoo do you use? now ar.. bodyshop wan loh..
. Do you use big words to sound smart? haha.. wan oso cannot.. my vocab is v limited ar.. but if i noe.. i'll try to use it as often as i can..
. When you get mad, do you swear a lot? no.. i ahet it.. it's about image my dear..
. Ever worn black nail polish? like now?? ya... jacob oso...
. Ridiculous thing? cant think of any..
. Darest thing done? i went up to the principle n confrinted him
. Goth, emo, prep, punk, or poser? punk lor.. bo bian..
. How many sheets are on your bed? huh?! 2
. Whats under your bed? a board
. Do you have your own tv and vcr? aiyah.. my parents wun allow...
. Do you see dead people? ya.. chang's dad forced me to c his bro.. scare the hellavu me
. Are you a good speller? haha.. wat ya think??
. Do you like little kids? yap.. they're cute..
. Are you talented? i believe everybody is..
. If so, how singing? i cant sing..
. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation? no

~what do you think of~
. Abortion: nope.. it's a sin.. BIG SIN!!
. Rape: I HATE IT.. don let me c 1.. i sw*ar i'll kill him! the girl v poor thing leh..
. Molest: it's very common!
. Sex before marriage: act it's a sin lah..
. Pettings? it's quite common oso..
. Homosexual? no discrimination but i disagree
. Eating disorders: pp r too stress or too conscious bot how pp think bot them
. Rap: cool..
. Suicide: plain foolishness
. Injections: i'm terrified
. Piercings : u noe wat..?? it's act a sin oso leh.. cos we're hurting the temple of God..
. Tattoos: very cool.. but i cant do it.. i'll regret..
. Make-up: nobody is stopping u..
. Drinking: hehe.. a sip okie?
. Smoking: lousy!

~this or that~
. Pierced nose or tongue? i just said TONGUE
. Be serious or funny? funny
. Single or taken? single.
. Mtv or vh1? MTV
. Sugar or salt? sugar
. Silver or gold? gold.. higher value... cherie is a money-minded person..
. Tongue or belly button ring? belly button
. Chocolate or flowers? anybody who noes me noes itz gonna be choc
. Color or black-and-white photos? both..
. Sunrise or sunset? sunset.. hehe.. weather cooler ar..
. M&m's or skittles? M&M's
. Rap or rock? both..
. Stay up late or sleep in? i'm a party animal!!!
. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? TALL!! at leat 178 okie..
. Sun or moon? Sun.. sea.. sand..
. What time is it? 8.29am monday
. Diamond or ruby? diamonds
. Left or right? left
. Cat or dog? dog
. Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
. Newspaper or magazine? both
. snowman or snowfight? snowfight..
. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? a lifetime of friendship! sex is something u wun wan..
. Happy or sad? happie..
. Sneakers or sandals? sneakers
. Long or Short hair? short
. Straight or Wavy? wavy..
. Blondes or brunettes? brunette
. Injections or piercing? piercing
. talk or sms? talk!
. Nike or adidas? adidas..

~love life~
. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: orlando bloom *same as shirlee*
. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: taylor hanson.. hmm.. my all time fav..
. What is the biggest turn off: no taste, body odour, short n skinny guys, hypocrites, casonova, long queus, acbc, gluttons..
. What is the biggest turn on: looks, height, great fashion sense, talented esp in the area of music n arts, rough hands, dilligence n intelligence..
. Do you think there is a person for everyone: ya.. but sorry no thanks.. not for me..
. If yes, do you know who yours is: of cos not..
. Do you believe in love at first sight: no.. nv believe in such thing..
. Have you ever been in love: nv.. God ar.. seriously.. onlie God deserves love from us..
. What do you think love is: something tt last for eternity if it's true.. it's about giving n not just being a recipient all the time..
. Do you think it lasts forever: i believe so if it's true..
. Do you want to get married: nv..wellknown truth bot me wat..
. How many times: gonok..
. When was your first kiss?: hehe.. u come n ask mi loh..
. First grade teacher's name? mrs toh.. she's v vain wan..
. Last word you said: ......wat...!!!
. Last song you sang: huh??? tt was last nite leh..
. Last meal you ate: rice loh.. with bean sprouts n duck..
. Favorite childhood cartoon: strawberry shortcake, tom n jerry, all the disney n warner bros production n carebears..
. What did you hate most about school: y must sch be so far away..?? so many deadlines to meet?? some pp.. some lec..
. Last song stuck in your head: superstar by jamelia..
. Last time you were burned: tt was long long time ago... havent been to the beach lately..
. Last time you bled: yest..?? i was having a pimple squeezing session with mx... shiok rite?

. What's in your cd player: wow worship..
. What color undies are you wearing: wait.. let me check.. pink..
. What's the weather like: cool
. What time did you wake up today: 7.30am
. What cant u go out without? wallet,hp,oil absorber,water,tissue paper
. No of emails? 3..
. Highest bill? $300++..
. What r u always seem carrying? a wide smile...

. Who do you want to marry? if i have to choose.. maybe it's.... aiyah.. act no1 in mind..
. Are you going to uni? nope.. but don mind if there's a chance..
. If so, how long do you want to go? not long i hope..
. How many kids do you want? 2 or 3..
. ur spouse? tall.. visionary hope of god member, musician, good looking, rich.. whahahaha... responsible, fillial..
. chose one. wisdom, rich or gd looking? gd looking.. hehe..

things bout me..
. i live in wdl dr 14
. m a 1/8 peranakan
. u wun believe how filty rich my great grandfather was.. haha..
. my family is closely-knitted
. loves clubbing..
. fav hangout is cb
. wants to paint my vespa pink.. tt is if i have 1
. my toes are v ugly..
. hate guys.. but have alot of guy frenz..
. for some reason i still use the silver keychain with the letter 'V'
. i need to pooo NOW!!!! wait.. coming back in awhile..
. wow... still painful.. guess wat? my sai looks like sesame paste..
. love to try new things.. but will nv do shang tian hai li de shi..
. i aspire to be a pilot..
. i love chilling out with frenz..
. started staying with my parents onlie when i turn 9..
. entitled to draw on the wall since young..
. i love shopping n fashion..
. something i don like bot myself is i'm too materialistic..
. i fall sick pretty easily..
. i was infamous in high sch.. skip sch, fight, late... haiz.. u don wana noe the rest.. but i'm not an ah lian... whahaha..
. i throw my used tissue paper everywhere.. sometimes it got tuck in the couch.. sometimes in my pocket..
. i send my unwanted clothes to salvation army every 3 months..
. like shirls.. i buy alot of clothes but end up not wearing..
.classes i attended:swimming,singing,drawing,pottery for kids,ballet,aerobics,chinese dance, computer...
. hate those japo style...
. soft ballads makes me zzzzzzz n i mean it..
. loves raspberry cheesecake..
. eat chocolate everyday.. my fav is cadbury fruits n nuts.. cheapskate ar.. but i like..
. 1 small glass of tiger beer is enough to get me drunk thru the nite..
. i have perfect eyesight
. if i have a dog.. i'll call it dog.. if i have a chick.. i'll call it HOT CHICK! andrew inspired me..
. likes wearing specs.. haha.. love the nerd look..
. i'm willing to try a new look..
. proud to be a designer..
. can't burp..
. daygreamer..
. break down becos of a v good fren
. hates acbc...
. i love to enjoy leh.. good food.. drinks..
. rochor soya bean.. grass jelly..
. wants to get a car license so i can go chiong mountail everynite n bring u guys out for supper....
. eat on my bed
. likes to take pictures
. can be creative if i wan to.. hahaha...
. dream guy other den perfect jesus: andrew+vic+jacob+xiong..
. started wearing skirts @17
. can laugh @ a joke for a long time
. likes to daydream
. m very into astronomy
. had 3 relationships.. onlie the last 1 last me with a v v v bad experience.. haha
. i hate cats n lama lambs
. has a very sensitive nose *taken from shirl*
. mom calls me princess.. whahahaha
. hate boredom.. i reallie hate it.. i'll die...
. loves music v v v v much n if there's a chance i wana go make disciples of all nation
. hate being stalked.. or having guys going after.. sux!
. my weight remains @ an unshakable 47kg..
. i'm an extremist.. if i wana be 'perfect'.. i will.. if i wana be disorganize.. i will too
. i can make pp's life horrible.. trust me..
. feels tt my nose is v big..
. likes to look at lil veggie cos he's too shuai for me to resist..
. had a very bad complexion.. whahaha...
. for a gurl.. i'm pretty unhygienic.. whahahaha...
. my motto in life: when it's time to work, work. when it's time to play, PARTY!!!
. suffer from gastric..

[ Mon Aug 25, 05:16:40 PM | extraz ]

all i need is: family,frenz, $$$ n love!
love is: sweeeeet!
if i could see one person right now: it would be ......
im afraid of: lizards, cockroach n CATS!!
i dream about: having all my good friends ard when i'm @da age of 60? gd grades for final yr too!
physical or emotional pain? physical.. cos emotional take longer tym to heal n is a torture!

kill: him...
hear from: xiong.. miss him like siao leh..
get really wasted with: him..
tickle: nel!!!!!
look like: fann wong!!! or natalie portman..
avoid: him!!!

touched: dad..
talked to: veg
Kissed: nobody
hugged: cant rem..
instant messaged: sharon baby..
who broke your heart: chang loh...

Dated one of your best friends? no...
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? i hate somebody soooooo much it made me cry..
Seen your gf "THERE"? where!!??
Drank alcohol? yup.. but low alcohol content..
Done drugs? stupid.. alot of q r repeated..
Broken the law? ya... 1 way or another..
Ran away from home? ya.. bad uh..
Broken a bone? ya.. pri 1..
Cheated on a test? nope.. tt's something i've been very proud of..
Played Truth Or Dare? ya.. just a few weeks back in cb..
Flashed someone? no lar..
Kissed someone you didn't know? siao.. desperado ar?
Been on a talk show/game show? ya ya..
Ridden in a fire truck? ya... driver's seat somemore hor..
Been on a plane? yes..
Come close to dying? very..
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? ya.. i tried.. but they alwiz end up falling.. *paiseh ar*
Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? ya.. alwiz..

The most embarrassing CD in your collection? lemon tree leh..
Your bedroom like? purple..*i have this few q b4*
Your favorite food? cant reallie list out.. cos everything tt i come into contact with falls under this catergory..
Your favorite Restaurant? igors ba.. nydc..??

A Vegetarian?: i'm trying to be 1..
A Good Student: very bad..
Good At Sports?: quite lah.. not bad can liao..
A Good Singer?: haha.. no leh..
A good Actor/Actress?: yes..
A deep sleeper?: nope..
A Good Dancer?: i c improvements though..
Shy?: very..
Outgoing?: ya..
A good storyteller?: i told u i'm a liar..

1. Who did you last get angry with? veg.. he accused me of blogging instead of checking my timetable.. *ay.. uncle.. peak period leh*
2. What is your weapon of choice? giving myself a chance to live better den tt person..
3. What weapon have you used? made him feel lousy..
4. How about of the same sex? without it.. there wun be any form of life on this planet..
5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you? my mum
6. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? it depends... i'm quite a forgiving person act.. forgiveness is like easy for mi.. but there's this 1 person tt i haven reallie quite forgiven yet..

1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time? go on diet..
2. What is the latest you've ever woken up? 7pm??
3. Name a person you've been wantin to contact, but haven't? vic loh..
4. What is the last lame excuse you made? say i got no cash when i'm act loaded..
5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through (one of the long ones...)? yes.. i love it... i'm a designer u noe..
6. When was the last time you got a good workout in? back in sec 3..
7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today? none..

1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? coffeebean.. recently i become abit bu she de.. hahaha.. broke mah..
2. Meat eaters: onlie chicken n fish
3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? act it's merely 4 glasses.. wel.. it's enough to knock mi out..
4. Have you ever used a professional diet company? nv..
5. Do you have an issue with your weight? yes.. the needle alwiz stuck @ 47kg.. alwiz!!
6. Have you ever looked at a small housepet or child and thought, "LUNCH"? siao! i'm not a witch leh..

1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)? lots.. whahaha.. their naked front.. hyiak hyiak hyiak..
2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)? ?? oh... whahahahaha... lots oso lah..
3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? ya ya ya... it's drawing too much attention le..
4. Have you "done it"? oh.. u mean wash the dishes??? whaha... yes... hehe..
5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice? height is reallie impt.. dono y..
6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? oh.. wt ya think?? hehe..
7. Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy? hmm... not yet ba.. haha..

1. How many credit cards do you own? u noe i don own any.. debit card can or nt?? mini visa.. haha
2. What's your guilty pleasure store? aiyoh... lots loh...
3. If you had $10 million, what would you do with it? double it.. triple it... increase it... whahaha
4. Would you rather be rich, or famous? famously(if there's such a word) rich..
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? u noe me.. NO!!!!
6. Have you ever stolen anything? yesh.. i cant even rem ow many times.. whahaha..
7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive? it was deleted... soooooooooo sad..

1. What one thing have you done that you're most proud of? nothing in particular..
2. What one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of? drawing on th wall??? i'm god damn serious with my answer okie..
3. What thing would you like to accomplish in your life? to make disciples of all nation..(music wise).. or maybe be the top sales person.. whahahaha..
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? wow.. tt's the highest for me le.. haha..
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? yup.. i went for an atrs competiton n came in first... surprise surprise...
6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score? nopez
7. What did you do today that you're proud of? haiz.. nothing lah.. *this q is to pull u down*

1. What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own? their loaded parents.. whahahaha...
2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? someone hu thinks tt life's boring.. serious.. they shld c how womderful llife is..
3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? act i'm pretty please with myself leh..
4. Have you ever been cheated on? yesh.. precisely y i still cant forgive..
5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? ya..
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? thriftiness loving
7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey? siao..u tink i so free ar?
8. Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin? same as shirlee.. overdose of chocs, shopping n too onzz bout chionging..

1. What religion do you follow? christianity
2. What religion were you raised as? taoist
3. Do you believe that forgiveness is a religious property, or a human property? action is religious.. forgiveness comes from the heart.. so def human.. partly religious loh..
4. Do you believe in magic? nope... but chris angel reallie amazed me with his stunts..
5. What was the last promise you broke? erm...
6. Have you ever said the words to a prayer and not meant it? ya.. * i repent*
7. Do you believe that anyone could be perfect? no.. unless jesus returns.. no1 is perfect..

1. Did you get everything you wanted over the last holiday season? no.. i still havent got my levi's jeans..
2. Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for? gd job..
3. Do you let yourself get your hopes up for something even if you know that there is a large chance of failure? ya.. i'm fron hope of God my dear..
4. What u still want? $$$$$$$$... i love shopping.. it's my deadly sin loh..
5. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? dumbo.
6. Do you gamble? ya.. but not now..
7. Have you ever had something called off on account of bad weather, but then gone ahead and done it anyway? yesh..

1. What causes do you support?feeling sympathatic
2. What causes have you given money or time to? when pp r in need.. church fund or something like tt lah..
3. Have you ever worked in a soup kitchen or done another kind of outreach for the homeless? no..
4. Would you ever consider joining the Peace Corps, Amnesty International, or another travel-inherent worldwide charity group? i'm a member of world vision liao..
5. Do you give money to the homeless on the street? ??? dono how to ans..
6. Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food? yes..
7. What's the greatest extent you've gone to help a friend in need? $$$ n time ba...

1. What are you most afraid of? not being able to accomplish something which i ought to accomplish
2. What did you do today that was really brave? nothing..
3. Who is your favorite superhero, and why? powerpuff girls... cute n girly..
4. Would you put your life in danger to rescue someone? yesh..
5. If you were to face the Wizard, would you want more courage, more brains, or more heart? more courage... brains????? heart..???? yucks.. who wld want tt??? so disgusting!!!
6. Have you ever gotten stage fright? it used to be v bad.. but now i've gotten used to the stage le..
7. Do you consider yourself to be a leader or a follower? both..

1. What do you have the hardest time moderating yourself on? emotions,temptation *same as shirls*
2. Do you collect anything? cute choc boxes.. article cutting.. stickers n letter pads..
3. Are you addicted to anything? clubbing.. i gotta admit lah.. but it's just a phase.. i got ov it n now it's bak to haunt me..
4. Do you feel that you obsess with certain things? ya.. blogging.. whahahaha..
5. What's your preferred method of paying for things? cash, nets lor..
6. Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do: be th gf to Mr ***..... tt's the greatest regret in my lifetime... serious.. i cannot b more truthful den tt..

1. Who is the wisest person you know? i think it's ps ben
2. Have you ever participated in a vigil? not reallie..
3. Do you take advice when it's given? i listen.. i take wat is best..
4. What area are you wisest in? slacking i guess..
5. Do you drive defensively? alamak.. wat's tt?
6. Have you ever had unprotected sex outside of marriage? ;)hahaha..
7. What did you learn today? i'm gonna make better decisions..


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