Thursday, June 17, 2004


been ages since i last took quizes like this...

1. wishing: $$$*prayer:dad... more love=more $$* i reallie haven been shopping tt much liao..
2. after this: gonna head down to town for my adidas jacket!! den it's steamboat w the girls @ mb.. i hate it!
3. talking to: myself..??
4. fetishes: chocolates,fcuk,n taking more pics!
5. some favorite movies: the last samurai, sweet november
6. something you're looking forward to: priya baby replying my email..
7. last thing you ate: a red bean bun.. sux rite..?
8. something you're afraid of: me..? i tian bu pa, di bu pa, zhi pa yi zhi xiao ka zua!!!
9. some favorite foods: coffeebean's rapsberry cheesecake.. i've been sticking to tt for yrs..
10. something -or someone- you wish you could understand better: pres george bush?? wat's in his mind..?? seems rather hollow to mi manzz..
11. miss someone you haven't seen in a long time: yesh!! priya srikatharajah!

in the last 24 hrs have you:
12. cried: i yawned last nite..
13. bought something: mineral water..?? tt was last nite..
14. sang: ya.. red-blooded woman.. the 1st song for the nite..
15. eaten: yes
16. been kissed: nope
17. felt stupid: yes.. very..
18. wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't: yup.. my ah mah.. n ***** n ******... whahahahaha... n nelly my perd.. n sharon babee n hanni pinkie n shirls blackie.. hehe... n jo sim ah gua.. n sheng the onlie 1 tt can make me laugh til i go bonkers....
19. talked to an ex: not reallie.. sms??
20. talked to someone you have a crush on: nope.
21. had a serious talk: nope.
22. missed someone: yeah.. very..
23. hugged someone: erm.. no i guess..???
24. argued with a parent(s): no
25. dreamt about someone you can't be with: nope.

Do you:
26. like candles: bit pid lar this q..
27. like company: very much..
28: believe in soul mates: yeaps.
29: believe in love at first sight: nv
30: believe in forgiveness: ya.. pretty much..
31: want to get married: never ever!!
32: want to have kids: ya.. haha..
33: ever want to adopt kids: yesh.. kids just soooooooooooooooo cute! i love kids..

34: who is your role model: jasmine.
35: ever liked someone you can't be with: tink so..
36: ever wanted to get revenge on someone cause they hurt you: erm.. yes.. haha..
37: cried over the opposite sex: yes.. tt's VERY stupid
38: your favorite physical appearance: hands.. i love thier hands!! it's gotta be rough n strong n manly..
39: are you happy with yourself: yesyes.yes.. i'm enjoying life..
40: what plans do you have for the future: full-time job-spinster for life.. haha
41: who's your most trustworthy family member: ah mah..
42: deep secret: i love picking my nose.. act not deepest lah.. lotsa pp noe..
43: embarrassing moments: erm.. alot leh..

social life:
44: best girl friend(s): sha,xin,hanni,min,xx... ay.. my perd consider or not huh??
45: best guy friend(s): xiong,chong,sheng,lil sim,my son..??
46: how many ex:3..?? stupid q leh..
47: best ex: no bast.. chang n vic both oso good lah.. haha..
48: boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
49: pager/cell: cell.
50: are you the center of attention or a wallflower: wallflower.. the band ya talking bot rite..?? i love their music!
51: would you rather be with friends or on a date: friends.. i hate dates!
52: job: full-time slacker..
53: like being around people: yes

Describe/Tell :
54: three words that sum you up: cherie is tough!
55: jewellery worn daily: yellow plastic earing, necklace..
56: wallet: rip curl.. i wan the lv wan..
57: coffee: rhumba frap
58: shoes: converse sneakers
59: cologne/perfume: flower by kenzo
60: clothing you have on: mtv pink top, kena sai berms


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