Wednesday, July 28, 2004

ay.. u all got go to tt webbie or not??? nv huh... don regret ar...

anyway.. i'm down w a terrible flu.. guess wat.. i purposely make myself ill.. whahaha... surprise?? whahaha.. cos i wana get mc mah.. anyway.. i got tactic wan.. whahahaha... but i tink i reallie deserve to feel sick now since i onlie noe how to make myself ill.. but i dono how to reverse it... hehe..

anyway.. i finished another book today called "a daughter's gift of love" written by trudi birger..

it's a story of how she n her mom supported n sacrifice for each other while they were being made prinsoners during the war when jews were holocaust...

miraculously, trudi survived every ordeal..*she said it's luck, but i knew it must b the Lord* she decided not to trust the lord after her father a rabbi of the jewish committee was shot by the germans... anyway.. i reallie think her survival is truly not based just on luck ot her strong wil to live.. IT IS GOD!!!! aiyah.. go read the story n u'll noe y.. so many times she cld have died...

okie.. jus now on my way back rite.. this guy jeffrey, whom i helped him on a survey asked if i go clubbing n i said 'yes'... den he was like.. "u chiong? don look like leh.." whahahaha... tink i look more guai after cutting my fringe.. whahaha... i've alwiz looked guai... don i? whahaha.... anyway... there's a bash tonite.. cant go.. tml gotta wake up early... sianzzzzz

anyway.. thnx dad.. he specially cooked a bowl of noodle for me... love love~~


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