Friday, July 09, 2004

i know i'm gonna be a dead piece of rotten meat.. well.. soon... whahaha..
i do agree life's not about having fun.. bot sometimes while striving for other things.. we tend to lose our individuality.. n tt's when u lost ur identity.. at least tt's wat i tink..

missy here was not born with a silver spoon in the mouth.. but i can say i'm living the life of Riley now... n i don c watz the damage?? an ov indulgence of 'FUN'? dont think so... anyway... wat rights do i have when it comes to 'FUN'... i'm too bz for tt. whahahaha....

will be heading down to arts fren later... have a sudden urge to do my paintings on planks rather den the usual wall.. plus i'm too lazy to clean the wall.. so might as well change location...

k.. i don mean to be a workie ticket trying to stir some kerfuffle... perhaps the rebel in me is creating all these.. but anyway, may God bless u.. whahaha...


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