Thursday, July 08, 2004

okie.. i slept thruout the day.. n my body is aching.. most prob due to some side-effect of the A.V tt we had last cheap manz.. hadda bit of H.o this morn.. + i'm having a terrible flu.. so it's triple the pile of unholy mess upon me ya..

wellavu.. tot i'll b going to cb.. but end up at the MAC outside cb cos stupid rooster n jaws were god dammy late.. n i waited bot an hr till their sedans finally arrived.. *ur highnesses def need more time to doll up compared to me the outcast overworked n underpaid slave ya..* whahaha... not bearing any grudge okie? thugh i sound abit like tt.. ahahahaha... but i'm reallie okie with it..

so while waiting.. was talking to a few pples including beng.. tt guy ar.. made my $4.50 fly away for nothing.. shit him! haha.. was at famous amos.. so wanted to get oatmeal n raisins for just a mere 100gm=$4.. but u pp noe i cant multitask.. i just nodded in agreement to wateva the salesgirl said.. den she cont adding the cookies till the machine says 250gm.. which means $9.50... *wah.. feel like killing my son*.. oh my.. fancy bringing a big pack of cookies while doing my 'usual routine'? pls.. spare me..gee.. but it's ok since he's making it up by giving me a treat to the movie 'mean girl'.. thnx son~

n u now wat.. i ended up giving the pack of 'barely eaten' cookies to the bouncer.. well.. he said i cld get it back from him afetr the whole thing but he looked abit gian.. so i decided to give him lah... whaha... v funny.. 1 of the bouncers was like scrutinizing mi from head to toe after he saw my i/c... whahaha... think he must had a good laugh after i left..

was intoxicated after a round of 'cai quan'... stupid ah liu... y always win.. hai wo... but it was pretty fun cos many funny things happened.. like this guy did some mime infront of us.. guessed he was cabbaged or wat lah.. den at phuture.. some guys were playing with kel's hair.. n wan even asked thru his hp this--->how tall r u sweetie?
whahaha... the worse thing is.. we were after them in the taxi queue... so quite paiseh due to some stupid stuff..

anyway.. i reallie heck about some stuff liao lah.. call me irresponsible or unspiritual or wateva u wan.. i had enough! n to u.. i noe ur referring to me.. but who cares.. i can't be arsed with u pp anymore.. not making enemies though.. but i reallie had enough of u judgemental pp who tried to be holy urself when u noe it's jus an upfront act.. who wants me to speak my mind yet refused to listen.. wat a dumb if i were to voice out any of my tots & opinions.. we might jus as well 4get bot it.. act saying all these doesn'y make me a saint or wat myself.. i admit i'm wrong in some ways.. so all i can say is.. sry.. hou(4) hui(4) you(3) qi(1).. *n now u pp wld b saying'"cherie's gones astray or she's backslided." wateva lah... if u pp r holy enough.. u reallie shldn't be reading me blog anymore..

Peace out!


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