Saturday, October 30, 2004

was reading thru m.o.m's blog.. n guessed it's jus fate tt brought us together lah..

the first time u msg i tot it's jus another GUY... no big deal... heehee... noe tt ur a musician.. which i totally hate.. cos secular musicians r a bunch of act-cool-buay-cool bunch of monkeys.. nt v impressive though... plus ur 18 yr old..*sama sama age as my lil veggie bro..* so nt at all interested sia... whahahaha...

but somehow.. the 2nd time u msg was like the time when i reallie missed playing music... tt's y i chatted with u abit...

don reallie noe u well except tt ur v talented.. so i tot u might be a good khaki to share my interest....

den.... it jus so happen tt u n my daughter r frenz... so we kinda gossip here n there bot u.... n she kept telling mi things bot u..

msn... sms ALOT!!!! n find tt ur abit bo liao... but slowly i got soooo used to it tt i gotta recieve ur sms everyday...

i tink i onlie start liking u when i see u... tall n handsome. whahahahahhhahahahahahahaha..... n ur voice.. oh my god... i bei dian dao... whoo lah lah.... i rem i jus cldn't stop smiling cos my heart was fluttering.... fluttering.... n fluttering... n i blushed alot...... heehee...

*wonder* will we ever be together???? but i don dare to tink so much lah dey~ cos i'm nt ready to be in a r/s... still sticking my buttock tight on the throne of the spinster club.... plus i don even noe how u feel bot me.. argh~~~ tt's when i felt so miserable..

to be cont..........................................

cadet cher: NOW~~~!!!!!!!!!! into the bathroom.. 30 soldiers in 10 mins!!!!!
*waiting for reply*
cadet cher: jx... star jump 20... *bish**pinch**whack ar....!!!!!!*
still no reply........................................................................................


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