Monday, November 01, 2004

u n i both love 'absolutely zero'... but pls dun make tt our song..

You. You were a friend.

I'm sorry for wasting your time.

sry.. my mood was totally dampened bot wat tt idiotic fortune teller said. nt the 1 tt i'm a potential germok babi.. but the wan bot my love life.

if the future says tt u r nt the 1.. i'll rather nt b with u.

De-lovely award shld be given to De-lovely movie called De-lovely...

A love that would never die
and music that would live forever

beautiful love story of American composer cole porter.. both u n i loved it.. the musical was great..

argh... super broke.. hmv!!! temptation island.
1. The Thorns
2. Disagree-at the end of the day
3. The secret machinesNow here is nowhere
4. Joan armatrading-Love and affections
5. Jason mraz-waiting for my rocket to come

total spent:$130


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