Sunday, December 12, 2004

Note: Click on the pic to view Aviery's gig @ ps.

The crowd was good. sponteneous. the band was good. the weather was excellente~ the location was good. but still it was a total flop. thanks to the amateur sound crew n under par sound system. like half of the time is spent on the lousy setup tt doesn't work.

it's like everybody's god damn anticipating for a performance to rock with... but it turned out tt the speaker's nt doing okay. so the voice n instruments comes n goes.. now u hear it, now u dun!

watta joke.. fancy inviting bands for a gig n not getting proper equipments for them? who is the organizer anyway?????? lack of experience n strategic planning to overcome unexpected situations. n endding up having to apologise to every band. i mean... argh~~~ wat the...

dampened every musicians mood.. plus the audience. manzzzzzz............... aiyoh ay.. i wan to complain. they better learn from their mistake n do a better wan this time!!!!!

baby.. love u lots.. u always make me feel so special.. n seeing u do the lousy setup is my life's greatest enjoyment. so shuai... ar~*faints* n when u sing.. it's totally mesmerizing. whahahahahaha...*hugs*

acc jx hme last nite.. was waiting for him @ the void deck when he went up to drop his guitar n rockbag.. n guess wat happened? argh~~~ saw his dad. so scary....... i was thinking if i wld c his parents or wat.... oh my god.

*saw jx's dad n recognize him straight away*
cher(hesitating to call uncle): uncle
uncle(puzzled+giving tt 'erm.....??????" look): u r...??
cher+uncle: jx's gf
uncle: how come u can reg mi??
cher: seen ur pic b4 mah..
uncle(thinking i prob saw his pic when he's younger): oh.. tt's was last time!!
cher(say w/o gg thru the brain): no!!!!! i saw the pics of u when ur this old....*opps*
uncle: come up lah..... jx's v good @ tu-ing.
cher: paiseh leh...... whahahahahahaha...
uncle: aiyoh... chou xi fu bla blah yao jian jia gong- even the ugliest daughter-in-law has to c her father-in-law.

*@ jx's doorstep n jx happened to open the door*


oh my god... came so unexpected. nt prepared to c ur dad. freaked the hellavu mi. somemore in tt stupid clip up hair. i wan to faint liao... whahahahahahaha....

baby.. thnx for the 13th rose. gave a short shock when u said u forgotten about it. *PINCH*

jx.. a checklist for u after evaluating ur band last nite hor....
  • DISTORTION MINIMIZED. distortion must be minimized so tt it wun drown the whole music.
  • lead is lead. thus it shld b played louder den rythm. if not it's hard hear to the lead.
  • however if there's a singing part... make sure the voice is not overruled by the melody.
  • PRECISION. every note shld b played/hit precisely. it'll bring out the essence of ur song. meaning u gotta work on ur fingerings. if u're precise with the notes.. ur melody will b much more nicer ok dear....
  • TIMING. though it's god damn rocking.. u still gotta slow down ur pace follow the timing... fast but with good timing ok. dun rush..
  • Tightness. work on ur band's tightness.. abit lack of communication. everybody's focusing too much on their part instead of working on how the music shld b put together. start at the same time. end together @ the same time.
  • SUPPORT. u guys shld be supporting each other.. not playing ur own stuff.. STRICTLY NO ONE MAN SHOW!!!
  • AUDIENCE. ur audience is part of ur performance.
  • LAST BUT NOT LEAST. get a god damn KEYBOARDIST! & start ur journey of stardom!

whahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.... n everything will b perfect.

words from the great philosopher cherie chua.. hyiak hyiak hyaik~~


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