Wednesday, February 15, 2006

ok.. our intial plan of spending a perfect 'v' day at blk 834 kopitiam was discarded. we cld have our very own kopitiam version of th fish n co seafood platter from zi char, steak from the western foodstall n perhaps the pink bundung drink ( now, i call tt LOVE IS IN THE AIR) hahahaha... n most importantly, dress code remain as casual. just big tees, shorts n slippers. afterall.. it's really just casual dining.

anyway... v day was spent in the most unexpectedly wonderful way w frenz n jx. simple meals with great great great company. had lunch with my usual lovelies @ the balcony. i was expecting something more ex.. but it really turned out to be extremely affordable n value for money. well... except for that rocking chair. seems to get its rockers tangled up all the time.

den i went shopping for my baby's present. had to get him 1... cos i seldom buy presents for him. hahahahahaha... *secrets ar!* bought him a thrice shirt, i hope he likes it.

den i went to cut a concave. i love short hair the most. for it's lightness n easy management. cool. but v ex.. almpst equivalent to my jean yip price. *heartpain* the lady even said i looked like a sec sch kid. ok.... i was ov the moon inside, but i jolly oh know she must b kidding... which angle do i look tt young... at most 18 wat.. whahahahahahahahahahahhaaha.... anyway.. mr tay asked the most sensitive q (to me lah) in class.. he asked my age... for what sial.. n i had no choice but to tell everybody the true-dest true truth that i'm 18. hahahaha...

n so we had a lovely lovely dinner the glass house. an hr plus of queing.. make that 2. i finally dared swallow a mussel. *glee* there's even a marriage proposal. so sweet lah tt guy. n oso 2 girls whom i really admire thier courage.. they took over the stage n sang 'angel' to their bday fren... hahaha.. if it were me, i wld hve fainted even b4 i reach the stage.

tt's all... thnx dear, u brought so much joy into my life since day 1. (he said i had a beautiful smile, which according to jon lee, yes u! it's my signature plastic smile) thnx for spending so much. hahahahaha... n buying little cinderalla. n the little rose which u think it's a must on v day. no matter how much i stressed about nt wanting flowers cos it's cliche.. n a card. i'm surprised! n overwhelmed. cos i know ur nt tt kinda mushy sort tt likes to write me anything. u have no idea how much u meant to me... becos i'm so spoilt to the core that even my mom wished she cld tell u to get a some1 better. cos i really sux as a person. i complains. n i'm lazy. real lazy.. n dirty. hahahaha.. i throw used tissue paper w mucus everywhere in ur room.. n i really dun like to brush my teeth. *bashful* u accepted my flaws in the most amazing way ever. i love u, good guy. hahaha.. *sry.. abit mushy... but my baby needs to know what he needs to know.. n i hace to proclaim right?* hahahahaha...

laugh all u wan u 'v' day losers. love continues to linger in the air tml n many more days n months n yrs to come.

i love myself. happy v day cherie! *muacks myself*

n don: thnx for the cd... v unexpected. must be a reminder of ur next bday.. hahaha... hint me to buy u present right? 19th apr right?c... i rem can. thnx ar.. i like it v much.

nights lovely.. aiyoh.. gotta end this longwinded composition~


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