Monday, February 20, 2006

v cute i noe! *nt shy lah*

my fav shot~

my besty!

gave sch a miss today cos i'm feeling so unwell again. i'm beginning to suspect it's some kinda prolong unsuspecting bacterial infection from the dirty bedsheet which i'd somehow made a point to change every fortnight. too much of 'how clean is ur house' i guess. anyway.. i'd probably used 2 3 rolls of fresh toilet rolls oredi. n i'm still counting alrighty. staying in to finish some work. hellavu bz week for me.

had a rather funny encounter a few nights ago. was sleeping on my side, n suddenly v close to my left ear, i heard an extremely lound thud that i cldn't make out whether it's real or fiction. serious.. i wasn't even shocked. just guessing if i really did hear tt thud. hallucination maybe.

anyway... jx n i went to watch the fog. pretty stupid story line. dun watch. rent a dvd....

ok bye... love love~


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