Tuesday, March 28, 2006


breathing history? chey... generally a day made for slackers like me.

sch, home, sleep.

anyway.. went jogging with jx... finally... i wished i cld say i ran a glorious 2.4km. hahaha... *laughs* but 1 round is my max... after t i just felt like the bowl worshipper. even up til now. havent been exercising for years. common... dun expect too much from old ladies like me. 1 round is good. Kudos to jx... determined bug.

anyway.. both of us have weird dreams. hahaha... dreamt of myself wearing a red bikini walking up n down the interchange. den there's tt truckload of good food. jx dream was somehow funny porno.

oh btw....
I'm getting married!!! Serious!

*hee.. X fingers*

life just ain't tt exciting aynimoh. thnx to judges of miss chua's character. my life is terrorized by unwanted beings. i need a breather......... *gawk*

some1 made a seemingly harmless but insensitive remark about me today. perhaps it was meant to be a casual statement, but saying tt all i do was to complain n nt give a damn about the life of the pple around me certainly hurts. it's nt like i dun care, how this action is gonna be proceeded is still rehearsed in my mind. n ya i complain. but if i dun, alot of things r unconceivably going haywire. dun u agree things r only settled after i'd voice out? manz..... u judmental pple shld go rot in hell can~

watever. my mood has been dampered.

had hundreds of photos printed. waiting to give a lil surprise to those who deserves it.

good to c germz.. u looked stunned. *hee*

glad to c jacob. long time no c... want to kah jiao my bf? nt so easy.


gt my deliberation date wrong. haiz... wth.


wat's next?


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