Friday, April 07, 2006

c... hellavu dangerous.

i'm jinxed to hell... fark fark giddiyak fark. fark~

i spent a resentful morning in the hospital. secrets, so i shall keep mum.

dropped my sissel cd on the cold hard stone floor... shitzzzz... now the side is scrapped.

my eye's been having this bad allergy from i-dono-what. EVERYDAY....!!! used to have it b4 i had typhoid which got me bedridden for 2 mths b4. it was ok all these while n now it's back to haunt me... it's itching this v moment i'm typing...

my skin is also in a v v v bad condition. soooooo dry.. i tink i lost all the elasticity esp the area ard my eye...

argh... i give up!

i ought to go do my hw...


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