Friday, April 14, 2006

fine.. when m i ever gg to learn my lesson? i know tt my exam is just next fri, n i have a ton of work tt i ought to have finished but sadly, havent. n i've gt a free day.... n yet i watched tv all day. i hate myself lah~ *just kidding*

nthng in particular since my last blog. i'll just list the events that had happened randomly... can't even rem the order actually.

1. cel mom's bday... made her salad... hahahaha... I made her salad can!!!! it's been more den a million yrs since i last made edible food. n she made us kiss her... *frowns*

2. watched tv

3. erm.......

4. oh ya... u noe i used to b sucha bummer, everytime i need material samples, i wld ask my fren if they haven any spare 1 tt they can maybe give me. hahahaha... but this time round, i'm gg to look for some myself. hmmm.....

5. wiped my dusty tables. *huge accomplishments*

6. wrote a letter to my dear shirls.

7. stole a bottle of mom's bird's nest n chicken essence. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

dad is a good dad. will blog about this another day. i haven bathe.


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