Wednesday, June 07, 2006

went to visit a dying relative yesterday in the hospital. my granduncle(my ah ma's bro-in-law) actually... sad. however it's really a blessing that he didn't feel any pain despite of cancer. maybe it's becos he din go thru ki-mo.. (hahaha..... pardon mi) he is in his last stage of life, the doctor said he cldn't make it thru this week. it's pretty sad at the thought that he thought he wld b fine again. n it's until yesterday that he started to reveal all his assets(quite shocking, cos he had secret accounts. blah)

den i overheard my grandma asking him to forgive some1.... they cried, n it was really touching to c how my grandma actually went all out to help reunite a family. i'm really proud of this mini superwoman. i love u por por~

saw how my grandaunt love him.. she herself is suffering from parkinson, yet she went there to acc him, trying to sleep as little as possible so she cld acc him a lil' more. combing his hair even when it's really nt neccessary. she's so afraid that he'll leave when she's nt ard. i tink they r more den 70 yrs old... but a younger generation like mi cld feel their love so deeply. i wish their love cld live to tell the younger generations.

haiz... these days... people just dun stick to 1... they have alot of 'loved ones', n there's tonnes of dishonesty in a relationship, so much so that it really scares the hell out of mi. esp gg thru a disastrous relationship with some1 so dishonest in my previous one.

that's y.. this teaches me to cherish the pple ard mi more.

i thnk my baby for being always there for mi, everytime i get into trouble, i know i'll b fine when i have him beside mi. jx always makes sure that i have the best. he always makes sure that i get the things i want to satisfy my shopping temptation before he gets his.. n despite being abised everyday.. he still think it is an act of love... hahahahaha.... n he always try to make mi laugh n be happy. these days it's really hard to find someone who wld really consider ur feelings as thier priority. i hardly c 1...

n being such a fussy person, i need to go out with water, baby always prepares water for mi.. when we're outside, he'll help mi search for water. n toilets... plus i cry literally if i go into a dirty one.... in fact if i have alternatives, i'll siam.. like jus a few days back.. we went to the party world next to heeren... damn the toilet stinks.. so i din dare to use... after jx came out i told him i need to go to the 1 in heeren, n i told him to go back first, since he enjoyed singing so much, but he refused n acc him all the way there. it's how this lil acts accumulate each day to form the mutual trust n love that will keep us tgt to the end. n tt is the reason y i chose jx n nobody else.

thnx dear...


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