Wednesday, August 02, 2006

my dearest porpor... ilu.

porpor is the kinda person who wld shoulder everything herself. no matter how heavy her load is, she wld nv complain or succumb to the problems facing against her. my porpor is the strongest person i've ever known. i think i'm really lucky to have pple so strong ard me to inspire me.

porpor is close to 70... n she's still working. nt becos her children din give her $... but she still wants to b dependent n work for a living herself. she scrimp n saves... but buy the best things for us.

porpor's born w a silver spoon. my great grandfather owns his own rubber plantations n stock exchange company. if ur wondering.. yes.. it's still in operation till this day. my ggma is a principal of some katong sch. my porpor studied in an ang moh sch... rare sight in those days.

but porpor met my ah gong who's got criminal records in her uncles plantation... despite objections, my porpor chose love n forsaken her life of riches. her mum disowned her n porpor only saw her when she died.

when my ah gong n porpor got married n started their family, my porpor took up 2 jobs n became the sole bread winner.. my hooligan ah gong shld be squatting in jail i guess haha( i dun hate him ar~ he dotes on me k) the job porpor took is the toughest i've heard. she washed the bottom of ship.. those black oil parts... n maid. liewz.... her house has gt maids manz.... she's gt more den 10 siblings, n all r living the life of the rich n famous.

but she nv nv nv nv nv complained about how unfair God has been to her... she accepts her fate n is contented with everything she has.

porpor is the woman i love n respected the most.

gosh... trust me.. i duno y i'm blogging this. i miss her i guess or i'm sleepy... n she's sick. miss her even more.


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