Monday, August 14, 2006

people can b v v wierd.

was frigging pissed on last fri when we're asked to discuss our sketches. the guy i was asked to discussed w, took the whole of my design, change just one insignificant part, and dared ask mi for my opinion. for hell's sake... even kenny asked if he was helping me draw since my drawing's quite bad. i dun c any diff can. pissed.............

n the worse part is.. after he changed tt insignificant part... he was like..' oh.. like tt nt nice hor...?' pui pui pui...

just now, this wierd friend msged mi. for hell sake.. i dun rem her having my no. but i'm ok... until this person starts 'interrogating' my life. n asking what i like n stuffs... n this n tt.. sometimes a casual regard is fine, but somehow it went overboard n i'm frigging scared.

but on a lighter note... jx gt better over the weekend.. n finally got to meet don, mich, dominic, bx n xw. the ktv session turns out to b a girl's beauty conference. hahaha... good since mi n mich dun sing.

having a block nose.... argh~


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