Thursday, December 21, 2006

Me and My Friends

me, i'm a candid person.
Hate to pretend n i cringe at the tot of having to lie.
one thing i'd learnt is tt there is no fear in love. (THANK GOD)

when i love u (frenz and family), i rebuke when i think u r wrong. if u r a person who only wants to hear nice words, then cherie is the wrong person to go to. i dono how to beat ard the bush, boot lick and sayang sayang and v sollie i dono how to take sides. many times pple only wants to hear the truth, but i must warn u, the truth hurts, so u better ask urself if ur willing to accept the truth b4 asking someone for their opinion.

i have this girlfren whom kena the most from mi for the 10 yrs we've been friends. thnx for being so forgiving all these yrs. hahaha... blink abit n i know she is up to some mischief. Haiz.. poor girl... can run but she can't hide. But i'm glad she'll rather have mi tok to her, den having ppl tok about her, behind her back.

i oso have this girlfren whom l always turn to when i need some truth/advice. being a candy(haha.. self-invent word for candid pple like me!!!) herself, she always tells mi my area of weakness firmly but gently. Tt's what friends are for isn't it? Only friends dare risk the friendship to correct u in hope tt u become a better person.

oh my god.. starting to fall in love with this hate-love r/s . haha..

after we scold scold hate hate, we're still the same old friends tt r as good as new.
i thnk god for the friends who accepts me for who i am. The straightforwardness i potrayed sometimes makes them wana kill mi, bt thnx for ur forgiveness, i m still alive and kicking.

Thanks for understanding the drive behind this frank soul.
Thanks for accepting me for who i am.
Thanks for being the lovely bunch of people tt stood by me when i'm so undeserving.
Thanks for being truthful to me when i need the truth.
Thank You thank you thank you+ signature big juicy hug to each of u candies!


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