Friday, January 12, 2007

I Love You Lah~ nope.. nt moving. my blogger recovered. must be the darn rain! changed a new stats counter.. jello was hacked, tiny became a dot.
Jx got a silver in his first attempt to IPPT. He loses out in the run by only a few seconds, if nt he would have got his gold.

Through sheer determination, discipline and training hard for weeks, he got his Gold!
(jogging, tt is how he saw that "UFO" thingy and i didn't. too busy playing game. whahahaha)

I haven't told jx yet but i'm actually quite proud of him. Jx more than makes up my flaws. A lack of discipline and patience to accomplishing my project being one of them. my unrelentless whine and deafening blubber kicks in everytime i feel the stress creeping in. but jx is there almost everytime i revolutionize into this brutal little monster.

and not to mention, the lack of composure and aptitude to technology. Kill me if i have to fix my own computer.

i seriously dono what i will be w/o his guidance and beliefs in me.

I suppose i complement him as he can't shout at the waiter for serving us meal late or telling off the guy who jumped queue quite blatantly. Hmm... i'm proud to be this menacing.

*Standing Tall and very very proud with lips twisted to the left*

we make a great team.... Just like an Ace team.


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