Wednesday, June 06, 2007

you are listening to: Re-Offender by Travis

there's something magical about music. it's almost like a time-machine.
i bought the '12 memories' album approx bt 2 yrs back n it brought me back to the time when i was working at Levi's den and tt was slightly before i know jx.

i love the way jx n i met. it's a tad bit silly *smiles*
a tad bit silly my dear~

i rem jx told mi he ever came ov to my workplace to peek at mi work. we wld meet up at the fountains. either at heeren or outside taka. sometimes he brings goodies like frozen strawberry n chocolates.

i rem there's once when zq pulled mi ov to peek at u work. hahahahaha... we were playing secretive and trying to hide everytime we tot u almost c us. child's play i say. n i was darn shy the whole time.

i told u it was tad bit silly...
a tad bit silly my dear~


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