Monday, July 09, 2007

Pharaoh Dallas.A

(oh now i wanna be the mother of an egyptian king.. hyiak hyiak hyiak)
yup.. tt's my son. whahahaha... i cannot wait to b a mommy. tell mi i m mad.

my training has been good. although i m v much aware of the time i'm left with esp having a large part of my time occupied by my work. yucks... i can't wait to be a tai-tai. i promise i will nt b a freeloader even if i am one. i promise i'll make myself useful... i promise i........

my naggy bf has been nagging alot lately. mainly asking me to eat more, because i dun. haha... i can symphatize w his agony u know. he doesn't want a bony african marathon gf, though he himself reminds mi of tt guy from " God must be CRAZY".

dear ar dear... come back. it's late n i miss u. i dun like work... i dun like the idea of us working till late in the evening, n by the time we see each other for dinner, it's oredi 8 at night. plus some dilly-dally, lovey-dovey to bedtime and it's work again the next morn.

yucks... sometimes i wonder if it is good to c the sun so early. tt's y i really envy leslie. quit his job for Mt.Everest. My mom wld kill mi if i leave my work like tt.... but den again. what is it tt i haven't done tt aggravates my mom to take up tt chopper?


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