Sunday, November 09, 2008

a few reasons y i m here at this time.

1: niao ah hui~ i m flying to brisbane n perth with siew yan!! heehee... fly w batchgirl!! whoohoo~ must make u dui~ heehee*evil*

2: I m going back to ROME!!! which means i am not able to go to zouk out!! which means my girls gg to party without me!!!

3: I will be in perth with siewyan when the standard chart marathon is on~ happy tt i'll b w my batchgirl~ but but~!!! how can i miss the race!!!!! shit shit shit!!!!!!!!!!

4: my shanghai flt is damn fun lor!!! my 2 leading for 2 sectors praise my job leh!! heehee~ n i met wendy whom i can click super well!! n william will b flying to manchester w me on monday!

5: manchester is here~ which means~.........

6: 10th of dec got brunei turn... which means i still can attend ah mah's wedding!!

7: just came back from dblo.. v sticky n tired.. chiong after the flight leh~!!

8: i will be posting my roster up!


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