Tuesday, June 22, 2004

the last samurai..

*ah choooooooo* i'd sneezed as much as my bro had farted.. haha.. non-stop..

*ah choo* heard tt??? tt's my brother... he's gave his 1st shot..

anyway.. just finishes the last samurai... so nice.. my fave show.. haha... thank God i din cry.. haha... i bet if donald's watching.. his torrents of tears wld have flow fast n free.. *opps* u noe wat..? was sneezing thruout the show.. n now i'm perspiring like a mad dog.. Gosh!!! i must have been terribly sick..

haven bathe.. soon.. gonna watch 'brother bear' later.. lil veggie's going to his frenz place for soccer tonite.. hehe.. which means i can have the honour of sleeping on his bed.. whahahaha... cool rite? my bro's starting to worry he'll become a ***** in his 'next life' cos he kept condeming.. siao ta bor..

*opps* i think he's oredi gotten the virus..

***... i just can't stand seeing this name or hearing it.. it gives me the creep.. forgiveness is the thing i shld learn.. n i guess i'm gonna learn it the hard way this time round.. alwiz tot i was forgiving.. perhaps it's another test.. it's been quitw awhile since i had any BIG contact with this so-n-so le.. but i still hate ***.. this person disgust me rite to the core.. i know i havent forgiven n forgottn bot everything.. i wished i'd nv known this person.. have u hated some1 u feel like turning them into a frog??? i do.. i wish this person wld jus dissappear.. but y did God created so-n-so in the 1st place? knowing tt this very day i wld publically proclaim my hatred towards this person? God oredi has His own plan in mind.. learn cherie.. learn..

ps:england's gonna win!


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