Friday, July 16, 2004

ahem.. the following msg is dedicated to jeremy Phua!!!!!
jeremy.. u r DEAD!!!! u noe how vicious n creative the princess can get when her toes' being stepped on rite? so u better be craeful huh... don let me c u huh.. if not i'll enslave u in one of my island's volcano.. there u will work for mi for the rest of ur life... BE PREPARED TO CALL MI MASTER!
anyway.. mom jus gave me a dummy head.. she tot i could draw on it.. whahaha... fun.. whaha.. ain't i getting more goth?? whahaha...  imagine a head in my room.. heehee...
thinking of investing in percussions.. n drums.. whahahaha... but there's limited space plus i can't play.. except to geck... heehee... hendra is the worst teacher i've ever met... don go to him if u wana learn drums okie.. hehehe... davin is a better mentor... n he's reallie skilled.. so go to him.. eugene..*ahem*.. dont even bother.. most of the time u'll prob b tryin to figure wat he's saying.. whahahaha... i hope they don see this..
oh no... my eyes r red n itchy again... must be the prawns i ate yest.. sharks!
*i'm jus blogging for the sake of blogging.. whahahaha... thus don blame me if there's grammer mistakes n wateva mistakes... it shld be quite normal to u act... whahahahaha*


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