Friday, July 09, 2004

Good! excellente!

daddy's back with my drawing material.. n acc him is my dearie cousin van.. whose playing somw stupid spidey game... n worse still.. he's reallie bothering me.. asking me to play for him.. hmm.. obviously i cant! rather play sims isn't it..

good gracious me... thnk God dad is willing to make a trip down to arts fren to help me get the material... whahaha... it cost him a bomb.. heehee... *heng ar* i'm jus so glad i don needa forka a cent.. hehe... me jian?? yes indeed..

the planks oredi cost him $5 or so.. chaep rite??? n he help get diff size somemore.. so nice.. but the white paint is like $17.. den the acrylics.. bot $60.... he pid lah.. go buy those tt comes in boxes wan.. told him to get the bigger tube liao...

aiyoh.. but the prob is.... NO BRUSHES!!!??? think my mom threw away some bigger wans.. shit!


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