Friday, July 02, 2004

the match last nite was unbelievable. the underdog team Greece won.. goodness..??? they act broke czech's records.. haha... thank God xiong din place a heavy bet on tt.. Marek Jankulovski v shuai... haha...

hmm... pimples cont to 'pop'... whaha... been sleeping super late lately...

church's been growin pretty much this few yrs.. been in this church for 3 yrs?? guess so.. n now it's reallie hard to noe everybody by name... sometimes not even by face... *thumbs up* all chosen warriors..!

pp can crush me all they wan... but i have God. *hmm.. the q to ask is 'do i still love God?'* amen amen amen!!!

currently:i hate being nagged at all the time... Give me some freedom.. i'm not some1 u can control..


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