Thursday, July 29, 2004

tell u a sercret okie??? hee hee.. don tell anybody hor.....*whisper* "I STILL LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!* haha.. i drew out alot of philosophy bot my job.. whahaha... but hsn't blog bot it cos i'm dammy lazy again..

argh.... there's sooooo many books i wana get... can somebody be kind enough to buy mi this book 'the coffee trader'?? thnx... i will yi sheng(voice) xiang xu for it.. n also this book by denise chong, the girl in the picture... tink u might have heard of it b4.. damn popular when i wan in my high sch.... den there's this book, 'the river with no name'... abit like 'the code of love' wan... but the setting is in china, plus it's more touching... *sob*

whoo~~ saw this book,'princess in pink'... whahahaha... remind mi of the 2 pink princesses... or shld i say 3... whahaha.. wong,liu n kel... alamak... all siao bot being princess.. but of cos there's onlie 1 authentic wan.. heehee.. hyiak hyiak hyiak.. of cos tt's me lah..

super free tml.. so will be gg down to the lib.. wei!!!! watz wrong w me??? too free ar... so must occupy myself by reading.. whahahaha....

okie.. me n bro r gg to fork out $350 each for a better digi cam so mom cld use it for her taiwan trip.. omg.. i cant believe we're so fillial.. no wonder she loves us soooo much.. heehee..

okie i'm done with my blogging.. n for those who'd disturbed me despite my warning... U R A PIG!!!!!! n tt's u calvin, edwin leong and wilson!!!!!!!

haha... bro had been sleeping in my room for the past 5 days... whahaha... have we switched room??? the onlie time he's in his room is when i needa take his clothes... whahahahahah.... i bet he's gonna slp in my room tonite again.. help!!!


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