Friday, July 30, 2004

things haven changed much for the past few months except tt i'm still feeling lost.. i've always been.. like i seemed to be a misfit anywhere n everywhere.. the pine for Him hasn't quite subsided yet. n tt's precisely watz causing me to feel somewhat... maladroit??? hmm...

wat can i do about it... since i'd made some idiotic srewy decisions. i'm a lousy decision maker... ya ya.. i'm still learning to be a better manager of my life.. a good n faithful steward tt God calls me to be.. let mi emphasize my previous statement again-I M STII LEARNING!!!!!
anyway... pls contact me via email, msn,comment box.. wateva, if u have some unwanted but still functionable clothes... thnx... these clothings will either be sent to world vision, salvation army or mercy help... hehe... c which is more convenient for me...i'm not on a holy mission *remind mi of a song,sin wagon by dixiechicks* ~~ on a mission to make somthing happen`` feel like delilah looking for samson~~~ do a lil matress dancing~~ yeah~~ or watsoeva but it's better den keeping it e cupboard or selling to garang-guni rite??? anyway.. it's for the less fortunate pp lah... so if u have.. pls contact me okie...????? if u have my contact no, just call mi.. God bless..


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