Friday, August 20, 2004

cant slp.. jus cant.. enjoyed watching olympics esp swimming n table tennis..

hehe.. whee~ my bro's testimonial pop up suddenly.. whahaha.. i gotta admit tt i'll def be a better woman if those things were fulfilled.. in fact i've jus killed a couple of ants n i'm seeing some still alive n kicking taking their hikes on my tables...*follwing their track which leads to... argh~~~ my bed!~~* dammit!

n yes to the fact tt i hog the com n play the piano at 8am.. sry.. shldn't it b 7?? n 11 pm i'm still playing? whahahahaha... don u hate me...?

wat's on the table - music books, rubber bands, specs,comes, staple, stationaries

wat's on the floor- used thoroughly oil absorber(3 sheets), tissue paper, cake of dust, bags of clothes, slippers. bags..

wat's on the bed- oil absorber(i cant live w/o it), bags, clothes. pyjamas, coins, melted ichigo bliss, belts, scrunchy...

wat's on the side tables-kfc coupons, clothes, moisturizer, plastic bags, oil absorber, tissue... piles of cds... newspaper...

alamak... somemore they're nt stacked nicely.. messy.. messy n nothing but messy..

bro is damn rite..


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