Sunday, August 15, 2004

was hesistating if i shld blog bot this.. but i find it rather hilarious.. so i'll jus blog it down anyway..

customer gf: ur name's ****rie ar??
cher:no.. y leh?
customer gf:den y u wearing the letter '*'?
customer gf: or izzit ur bf?? his name is ****** ar??
cher:whahhahaha.. wah.. so smart.. tt's reallie his name leh... but he's nt my bf..
customer bf: (toking to me) den she shld wear 'E' wat..
cher:y leh?? ur name is edwin ar??
custoner gf n bf: wow.. reallie leh!!!!

anyway... i love the princesses... love u girls to the bits.. though i'm reallie nt tt girl like u gurls.. whahahahaha... bt i still love u!! XoXoXoXo... cant wait to do some girly stuffs!!! btw... NO COOKING!!!!! *go princess psyche's blog* wat kinda desserts r those!!!!????? hellish pp poison pp..

k.. i needa get my beauty slp liao... nitez world.


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