Friday, August 13, 2004

i was studying 'i will survive' by cake.. tt v popular song rem??? wahseh.. nv reallie listen to it until today.. cos damned bored sia... joel.. or rather all guitarist n bassist.. listen to tt song's bass n guitar.. v v v vv v v v good...

den u noe how to tell if the strings part is good???? it's when u feel like swaying w the melody n every pull of the bow. eg. lydia... whahahahaha...

work is fun.. minus the presence of shirley.. don reallie like her working attitude.. onlie tink of herself.. nt like the rest of us who reallie wana help 1 another... she jus wana piang sales.. den the rest she bo chap... kaoz...

v tired..

hey belinda.. liew ay... tt testimonial u wrote is sooooo untrue.... *the maths paper*.. i tin it's more like a BIG F!!! whahahaha


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