Wednesday, October 06, 2004

6th oct 2004 sucks big time!

6th oct 2004 sucks big time!

my hair oily.. my eyes have got water retention.. my room stinks.. woke up damn late n miss clz.. feeling sad ov wat i told baby last nite.. angry w my best fren for cheating on a guy... thinking of wat mice said.. feels tt sam* sucks a hell lot..*i hate hating pp..*

argh~ give mi a break pple.. a kit-kat or wat.. i'm suffocating again..

my best fren is cheating on her ex.. now.. i'm like so mad at her.. scolding n nagging at her everytime i tok to her.. i guess she's damn scared of mi now.. whahahaha... it's like she 2 timed her ex(D) n went w (C).. n after she's forced to decide on who she is to b w.. she chose (C).. she told every1 of us she's w (C).. but she kept assuring (D) tt she n (C) r not together cos she still dono who to choose.. when her mind's oredi made. now (D) is ready to let go of her but she's regretting n start to msg (D) lotsa stupid msg.. y must she do this..?? is it fair to (C) like tt she's w (C) i need to B.F her to wake her up. or maybe i shld jus give a F*ck bot this..

ger... stop playing w pp's feelings.. u've got no right to do tt... i reallie cant side u when ur doing this kinda thing... things tt i hate! jerks in r/s...

my baby.. i love u sooo much.. u've got soooo much to do, to explore n i don wana pull u down..i don wan to risk falling in love again... pls let mi go.. we'll both b happier tt way.. let things go back to how it was used to be..


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