Sunday, October 03, 2004

watch resident evil.. it's quite good though i personally feel tt the 1st wan is better.

argh~ been almost 3 mths since i went on stage... freankly speaking.. no feeling is as gd as playing for the audience of 1.. tt i have to admit.. tt used to be sooo part of mi life n now it's become the missing piece in my imcomplete jigsaw... let mi find tt piece back bah~

jacob, mei, joel n i made a pack tt 1 day we'll play together on the stage.. wel.. i've nv played w cob b4 leh... n i gave up my birthright as a levite.. i left..*but nt w/o a reason, which wateva reason doesn't matter cos leaving is oredi stupid* sux mi! wateva it is.. playing music has become so in us tt we don feel the glorification of ourself bt it's for HIM.

argh~ i hate this kinda feeling.. somemore in the morning... yucks... y m i toking bot this...????? wat i've been feeling this time.. tonnes of regrets... aiyah~ stupid mi!!! *hah.. some of u might b laughing ur heads off now... but who cares bot how u feel.. chey~*


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