Monday, October 04, 2004

to: anonymous in jenn's blog

kaozzzzz... make mi laugh! u r the biggest joke of the century manzzzzz.... pls go update urself or do some research 1st b4 u start dissing in pp's blog leh... wahseh... i reallie cant help but laugh manzzzz..... btw peeps.. 593 is nt jus 593 alone.. this number for goodness sake is onlie referred to it's cutting.. a super super super low waist bootcut.. it comes in diff wash... at least 6 washes.. n prices ranging from $99.50-$149.50. hey anonymous... GOT IT!!!!???? wat a dumbass..

anyway.. i cldn't resist the temptation of buying cds.. hahaha... got nat king cole n Mr Big... so tempted to buy franz ferdinand... cos of tt stupid babe... whahahaha... argh~~~$100 on cd this mth??? okie.. tml i'm gonna draw out $50 n rely on this $50 to survive for the whole mth.. whahahahaha....

hey jx.. *pinch* how dare u squah my face!!!!!!!! i'm prepared to pinch ur nose for the rest of my life liao lor....*crack knuckles* whahahaha.. i love u! i love red rose from u... mommy.. u'll love my curls lor...

*mummy coming back v soon.. cant wait to c her... n my emily the strange bag.. whee~*


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