Tuesday, November 02, 2004

a day of boredom


i tot i shld jus add this..

lil veg finally bought it... whee... save my $$$!!!*evil laughter*

my latest collection..

Disagree.. a malaysian band but i tink they're pretty good... sounds like creed..

say helloooooooo to melissa..

my attempt to compose a song for jx... sux..

the cher & jx bottle

from day 1.. missing:gummy

the first 1

jx.. ur head is safe with me!!!! heehee

STOP BREATHING FOR 20 MINS if u think tt the song jx wrote for mi is nice!!!

c...... nobody can do tt.. n nobody will do tt. whahahahaha....

tt's y i decided to chnge the music written for me to this... whahahahahahahhaa...

'AWAKE' is so nice rite..??? another music composed by my jx... so mesmerizing n i gotta listen to it everyday..... whooooo lah lah...


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