Friday, November 26, 2004

Happy 2nd Month!!!

Happy 2nd Month

messy rite??? was making jx a gift... whahahahaha...

The cushion sewned by the big guy... * feel extremely lucky*

For it is written," love u always JX"

*ahem* i shall hold u accountable for wat u have sewned!!!!! whahahahahha...

aiyoh ay... today it's the 2nd mth for mi n jx... whahahhaha... dono y... but it seemed like a special date.. made a pact we wun give any present next mth... if nt run out of idea... whahahaha... jx was tryng to sew this cushion cover for quite some time le.... baby.. i'm sooooo touched!!! n i like it ALOT!!!

got up pretty early in the morn... went zq's place to bake cookies.. whahahahahahaha... (maybe jx will post the pics. i din take any) has a hellavu clumsy time with zq... so lousy... his first attempt was a flop... so we gotta go get another packet... hmm.. the 2nd wan was better... made heart shape somemore... v difficult leh... plus i made a big wan w jx's name on it... but somehow i crushed it... argh~~~anyway... we put in alot of effort hor!!!!!! whahahahahaha... he did it for kim.... n i did it for jx... i knew jx wun bear to eat it..

den went down to bras basah to get the corrugated board for the box.. n got my things printed... all done last min... whahahahaha... but it was planned pretty long ago..

heehee... met for incredibles.... whooo lah lah~ v good show... but was "distracted" most of the times(personal joke btw mi n scott)

baby... love u lots.. dono how to describe this feeling using words.. but i noe u noe... super sleepy... argh~ dono wat i'm blogging oso... anyway... bernard's studio doesn't allow pigeons... he calls me pigeon.. whahahahahahaha... *sobx*

*hug u*


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