Sunday, December 19, 2004


believe me. tt's wat a guy in the audience called jx. cool... jx was like performing halfway n this guy shouted 'teppei'. hmm.... baby.. i guess u must be feeling darn narcissicitic rite now.

well... wasn't tt my first impression when i saw u today?

feeling extremely satisfied with this gig. the sound was better den the last wan. n the crowd responded pretty well.. v rocking.

n the v first time i see how the craze mosh.. JUST BESIDE ME. so i was kinda pushed too.. damn havoc.. it was a up close n personal for this closing band. n everything jus ended soooo perfectly.

n the whole time i was busying taking pics.... argh~ damn the camera. it sux. mum says it's becos of overexposure n i set the wrong mode. ok.. u cant blame me. i dono how to use her cam...

n the result....

Presenting the gig @ ps:

my jx doing his setup


taking pic in front of my idol cum bf is soooooooooooo good... whoo~

ps/ this grp of guys were moshing beside me lor.. so scary.. whahahahahaha.. n stupid hafyz said i moshed. argh~

taken from the back-they attracted quite alot of audience. cool~ they're everywhere from the back to the front n the sides...

okay... tt's all folks. the rest r kept for private viewing.

baby... so proud of u... n i'm gg to listen to thrice. den next time i can scream along. whahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha....

we all had fun. *beaming*

listening: thursday(M. Shepard)

thinking: hmmmm..... saving up for 'double ok'.. whahahaahahahaha...


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