Friday, May 20, 2005

went shopping w xin n bought 2 tops. heehee... i've got an auntie style manzzzz... i kinda like this levi's top, but shirls said is toooooooooooo normal for it's exhorbitant price. but i jus bought a white top which cost $38.... no brand somemore... haizzz.... n the other top is an untie bossini top which cost me $15. quite cheap rite? c... i'm nt so brand conscious afterall.

hey.. reallie abit aunty rite?

u cant say it's nt nice, it's ex ok!

n n n n i bought a super retro ear-ring ok... haven't worn 1 for eons... bwhahahahaha....

heehee... went to take the neoprint thingy, n we must fully use the background provided rite? whahahaha.... ok.. i know i look like shit. but i've gotta face up w the facts huh.

manzzz... just look @ shirls trademark 1 of a kind wide wide grinzzzz n my trademark plastic smile. frenz 4eva! *smilezzzzzzzz*

i dono y... but she LOVES this pic frame. n insist i take this pic. she oredi had 1 in hp. haiz.....

ATTN: below's some reallie gruesome pic of jx's wound.... if u can't take it, pls leave this site. thnx!

yellow, slimy, gooey pus.

abit bloody... love at first sight!

this is taken today.. better lah!

talking bot jx, he act tot i had some split personality disorder called borderline dono wat... i guess it's just the gers' pms.

wateva.. i needa wake up at 7 tml!!!!


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