Friday, May 06, 2005

i m a freak.

i might be the ugliest person tt ever lived. look at my small 'phoenix' eyes tt's somewhat placed at the wrong proportion of my face.

the nose? a very bad structure. nt high, v flat. blah blah...

my mouth? i probably have the ugliest mouth. no shape. it's jus an oval piece of red meat glued below the nose. nice huh?

my complexion? ................................................... (depressing)

even my eyebrow is nt spared from a grotesque creation. manzzz... who can help me? steven lim?? the famous outside-ck tang-eyebrow-plucker-cum-yellow-underman-in-sg-idol???

oh.. spare me from tt!

oh oh...!! n my legs. my thunder tighs. erm... any comments.. keep tt to urself ok?
help help!!! maybe i shld consider jean yip beauty hub.

i m toooo lazy for any make-up. tt makes me wonder if i m qualified for a girl. onnly recently did i start to lay my hands on a lip gloss.. i havent owned any foundation of any simple brand, nt a single lipstick, i owned a nix-illion of eyeliners n eye-shadows. oh what about the blushers? i have a goose egg instead.

i only have a clinique mask.

however.. i do have tonnes of moisterizer for the hands n legs which i dun use...

i m a rough diamond. whatever the case, i m still a diamond hor!


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