Wednesday, April 20, 2005

see? this picture was taken on the 17th. doesn't look too well isn't it?

anyway, jx has got pneumothorax -

Accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity, occurring as a result of disease or injury, or sometimes induced to collapse the lung in the treatment of tuberculosis and other lung diseases.

which oso means detection of holes in his lung which causes leakage of air.

argh.. the worse thing is i was tols he needed to go for an operation cos they c no improvement in his condition. which of cos, saddens me alot.

believe me.. i took this on the same day. no photoshope. bored waiting. life is all about waiting! amen?

shirls came to visit jx.. watta cheeky wide grin on her face.

the world is so small. i noe u prob got sick hearing tt thousand times but nothing stops me from saying this again. s'pore is god-damn small.

when i 1st got to noe jx, i found out tt shirl is his senior (perhaps even closer, ex-wife) whahahaha... n shirls happens to b 1 of my sistas.

shirls n john. shirls forcing her baby to drink. i wonder if all gfs does the same thing.

anway.. bought ice-cream from taka.. u noe.. the v famous wan.. which name i dun rem.... yum yum.. mango n dark choc. i almost finished the whole box to myself cos they got sick of eating.

my baby... looking better.

as cheeky as ever.

my baby is sucha sweet boy.. he typed this using his hp while i was unaware n took it down w my cam cos he noes i'll surely see this. soooooo sweet... i love my jx alot truck load cos he's the best guy i've ever known. n being stranded in the hospi... he asked his dad to get me the rose... muacks.. *bear hugs*

n so fillial to his dad. uncle was sleeping on the couch n he asked me to cover his dad w his jacket cos he doesn't want his dad to catch a cold. hmmm...

will b spending my day w him tml... cant wait!!!

love u!


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