Sunday, April 17, 2005

2nd day in hospital.. mom, aunty janice, bro n jovan visit him too. so nice of them.. mom even bought jx a toy cow. how lame!!!

jx.... i miss u!!!

i was so happy when i saw baby this morn, i've been missing him the whole nite.

aunty cook mee suan for us.. so yummy... see.. i oredi finished my share. whahahaha..

argh.. my cute ah beng boy posing for the camo

he has big appetite.

argh.. after many many many attempts. finally got 1 w both of us.. hahaha.. the rest were set with zoom. stupid me!!!

c... i styled his tweety hair for this pic. anyway... baby jus got his hair cut-like wong lee hon
erm... dun break his heart by telling him it looks more like an ostrich ok??

btw... his lunch looks tempting manz...

baby has got neumotorax(dono how to spell plus too lazy to check out the correct spelling), so they cut a hole in his body for this tube... heartpain sia!!

*thumbs up* jx is doing jus fine... my boy is strong n will recover fast! i love him many many many!!

c.. i'm tired after a long day....

okiedokie... i bought a new pair of levi's square cut "Patty Ann". does it look SQUARE to u??

ok.. enough of blogging... i'm tired n i needa try to wake up early so i can go visit my baby b4 work.


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