Monday, April 25, 2005

20th April 2005-6th day in ttsh

looking good huh..jx is delighted to b able to get outta bed though the furthest he can go is the lift lobby. whahahaahahaha.... u shld b contented!

whahaha.. forced my baby to act cute!

(l-r)dominic, don, jx

3 mr hunk! *pui*

shirls came too n we were feasting.. i guess jx's bed must be the "busiest" bed in the whole of ward 8A. buzzing with life n FOOD!

huh?? jx?? kns... xl lah.. stupid son don spotted it.

baby feeling fresh n happy after washing his hair. finally after 6 days of torture. manzzzzzz.... being his maid is tough ok. nt everybody is qualified for his high standards alrightzzzz... even i was graded a BIG "F"!!! stupid sir! insisted tt i shld wash 2 times.

see... my pants got wet!

2nd day of the op with the 'decors' in him..... so painful!

excess blooooooood!

pretty flowers to cheer him!

23rd April 2005-getting ready for the sack

24th April 2005

baby with his toy!

he does anything to make me laugh!!! *hugz*

i forced him to pose like this! whahahahaha...

u noe wat?? u dun get to c the photographers face! *ney!!*

flop flops swop~

the gu niang ki tao hong~

baby is discharged today! 25th April 2005! happy 7th mth!!!


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