Saturday, August 13, 2005

i must have gotten out on the wrong side of bed today.. i swear. i cldn't emphasized further how bad my day was. argh~ God help me!!!

cldn't find my keys early in the morn... n i even took a lil' more effort in grooming for the photo-taking thing.. cos it was still early. but when i got to the door.. i realized tt dad locked it... n damn the bloody boooboooboooo, i cldn't find my bloody god damn keys!!!! so i went bizzare n search high n low... throwing every object tt gets in my way.. n tt explains the mess i've got... but thnkfully.. due to some inborn natural instinct, i found a pair of keys in the tiny space between my bed n the bedside table.. n got it finally after many attempts of 'digging' it w rulers, brushes, whatever lah~ n it's nt even the pair of keys i was looking for... it was 1 tt i tot i lost many many many mths ago...

ok.. tt was the first thing...

2nd was the cpf thing. manzzzzz.... their efficiency is ZERO!!

n the 3rd was sooooooooooooooooo bad, i shan't blog in details.

but i'm proud to say tt i'd uphold integrity very much in my life. if i'd committed a mistake.. if i'm responsible.. i jolly well admit it. dun even tink of pointing fingers at others. n if i haven done anything wrong, i really dun see y i shld be doing things like 'admitting my mistake'. told my mom tt i will nv betray my conscience just to make me look better, or to save myself from any trouble n she said i'm stupid but i beg to differ.

but i have to say... tt unfortunate thing tt happened today, i just cldn't bring myself to admit it's my mistake becos i personally think it's nt. in the first place, the add was given to mi, n i simply copy n paste the info which i trusted to b correct. i nv typed any address in the whold process of design i swear.but it's my fault tt i din checked n varified the add given to me. this, i admit i'd overlooked. argh~ Whateva.. fed up.

n being a leader is a very very very difficult job. n if ur nt cut for it (mi loh~).. it's gonna b tougher, u're required to work doubly hard. i m nt a natural leader, i'm more of a follower, i need time to grow in my ability to lead n i m trying. n most of the time, i can't please everybody.. being a leader, i've learned, it's nt working hard to glorify urself, but the purpose of it all is to benefit all. it is a heavy responsibility. nt a game ok... n nv nv nv take credit tt is nt urs. this, u have to b v honest w urself. esp for designers who earn their living thru their creactivity, their inclination to the latest stlye.. their colourful taste for things. so pls... what is urs is urs... dun take credit for urself.

n working as a team requires everybody's committment. every1 is essential... so.. nv nv nv look down on any ideas contributed. all ideas r good ideas... dun dump ideas which u tink does not work. dump ideas which everybody think does not work. this is a team. Together Each Achieve More. rem? respect ppl's ideas n accept differences. it's nv easy to work together... there's bound to b frictions here n there but there's no excuses in nt valueing 1's effort... in a team, no1 is more inferior than other. u cant judge a person's design n deemed it as ugly cos u dun like tt person. ok.. i'm not pin-pointing at any1... i sincerely hope whoever's reading this understands tt high aspirations shld nv eclipsed ur integrity.


everybody makes mistakes.. if u're in the wrong... dun justify. accept it n change. everybody makes mistakes.. i do... u do... everybody does.. if i've got something i needa change, anybody cld jolly well come up to me n correct me. i will try my best to change... n if harsh criticism can help mi improve, i glady welcome it with open arms.

i'd learned much. :) it's a bad bad day... but i'm happy at the end of it all becos of a grp of dedicated designers cum friends who r great supports to the committee. behind the names tt we hold, we're frenz!!! n i love them all no matter what.. n tt's true~


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