Tuesday, August 02, 2005

went to sch for some discussion over the posters n signboards. it's still in a higgledy-piggeldy state, very unfruitful. hmm.. really gotta buck up on it, b more disciplined n determined to finish these thing. Mr Tay is back today~

but thnx to charles whose gonna help, i tink we can better focus on the namecard in we had yet to decide, cos ultimately, Mr Tay will b the 1 making all the decisions. n also the signboards... which i tink is he's main priority.

anyway... went to return my books at the nlib. n i was approached by this old lady selling ticket for donation. haha.. at first i was reluctant, den i u-turned back to give her a 5 dollar note. den i went into the buliding n when i came out, guess what she said to me?

aunty: miss, u're so kind.... r u studying? (cos i was carrying my big bag n stuffs)
cher: ya...
aunty: oh.. u're so kind. may God bless u.
cher: thnk u (for uncounted times)
aunty: oh.. i tot u were a beautiful young lady outside, but u're oso 1 whose beautiful on the inside... the 1 up there will bless u... (heehee... if she's spoken lesser, she might clinched a few more deals.. whahahahah)

the peak of it all is.........

cher: haha.. aunty.. thnx... I KNOW..... bye...
aunty: bye... success to ur studies.

whaahhahahaahahahaahahhaa.... den i walk away giggling to myself for being sucha thick skin. whahahahahhahahahahahahahha.....

anyway.. she's really v amicable. i like her ney~

haha.. gonna play piano the whole day cos i havent been playing for sucha long time, have to visit my ah ma.... mom asked for a treat to the indian restaurant n i'd turned her down. whahhahahaha.. so bad... next time sial...

gg to wash my face, brush my teeth liao... Peace out!


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