Tuesday, July 26, 2005

hasn't anybody noticed a distinguishable decrease in my blog pics and a stagnantation to my photo album?? no..?? anybody..? my pimples' the main culprit ya.. 2nd culprit?? my short fringe which i'd cut. act smart~

argh~ my pimple outbreak hasn't stopped since the past 1 or 2 weeks. i'm gonna sink myself into depression.. whahaha.. just kidding! i hope it's only a temporary. i pray~ but i havent got any1 to blame except for myself. hah~ i have cleansing foams which i dun use, pimple cream i dun wana use, mask, moisturizing cream and all kinds of facial thingamabob which i find much of a hassle to use. haha~ so no1 to blame.

anyway went to sch yest to contribute a lil to the namecard. heehee~ i'm glad my idea's chosen to be developed upon. haha... it was a spontaneos idea so i tot it was good. anyway.. mi, mich, yumi and vincent went to watch wet dreams 2. argh~ this wan bores me to tears. so dun watch it manzzzz.. it's gonna be a waste of $$$.

went to the lib to check out some design book.. the national lib has a wider collection though... n guess who i saw? saw pingzzzz,.. kinda happy to c her since she's so pally. haha... gossip abit. heehee... n watta coincidence tt we're staying in the same area..

kk.. i'm gonna have to wash my hands.. sticky from the rambutans...


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